30 Very Virginia New Year's Resolutions

Each year, many people kick off January with a list of resolutions, but often the month isn't even over before those resolutions have gone out the window. How about some resolutions you can actually keep? We've compiled a list of resolution ideas to help you pick one that will stick! Photo…

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Five Illuminating Ways to Kick Off the Holidays

When a little merry is what you seek, a little merry is what you shall find. Gather your friends and family to kick off the holiday season in a bright way. We have five suggestions that are sure to delight. --- FIREWORKS --- Surprise! There are fireworks this time of year in Virginia; no need to…

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9 Virginia Holiday Traditions for You and Yours

Everyone has traditions they look forward to each holiday season. Virginia's 100 Miles of Lights is a major one, but here are 9 more. Are they among your favorites? If not, give them a try this year and perhaps you'll have a new one to look forward to. What events does your family enjoy during the…

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